Friday, January 29, 2010

January 29, 2010 Bogota

We had a very relaxing day today. The girls went to Fitness Infantil for swimming, skating and gymnastics, and then we took them to Archie's for lunch. When they got back, they did their English lessons with Laura. Wendy went first, for maybe 30 minutes or a bit more, and then Fer for more than an hour. While Fer was working, Wendy got very involved in some creative play with a teddy bear she found in the playroom, and then did some playing on the computer.

I had promised ice cream, so we went to the drugstore that has an ice cream cooler and they each picked one. One proof of the food encouraging attachment dynamic: as we walked back Fer said "Gracias Gracias I love you!!"

Very sweet -- as we left they both said, "We have to buy one for Tomas -- he bought us chips yesterday!" (Tomas's parents very kindly gave them each a "paquete" before dinner when they had one for Tomas as well). So we asked his parents who said ice cream wasn't allowed but chips were fine, and we went back for a treat for him. Here we are enjoying our ice cream:

Other news: Fer called me "Mami" at least 5 times today, which is new. And Wendy practiced a lot of English, saying to Fer this morning, "Eh-sweetie, get up! What are you doing?!" So in one way or another they are continuing to adapt to the idea of their new family.

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