Friday, January 22, 2010

Court #7

We got assigned a court yesterday -- our lawyer called and told us it was court #7. He didn't know the judge but had also never heard anything bad. So we hope for the best! He is going back on Tuesday to check our progress.

Chris is leaving tomorrow and we are all sad about it. Thankfully Gigi arrives on Monday night and stays til next Sunday, and then Chris is coming back on Wednesday, Feb. 3 for another 10 days. Hopefully we will be close to the end of our process and all heading home around the same time.

The girls had a great day yesterday until dinner, when they both were in bad moods. Wendy was angry and Fer refused to eat anything! (We weren't terribly worried because she had had a yogurt and 2 bananas about an hour before). We spoke to Manuela this morning and her theory is that they are upset about Chris leaving . . . hard to know, but certainly they are both attached to him and especially Fer.

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