Thursday, January 14, 2010

January 14, 2010 - La Princesa y El Sapo

Overall our first full day as La Familia Asprilla Weeks Lankenau went very well. The girls had a great morning at camp with their 3 favorite activities: swimming, skating and gymnastics. While they were at camp, Chris and I walked to Unicentro (this absolutely huge mall about a 25 minute walk away) and bought tickets for an afternoon showing of "La Princesa y El Sapo" (The Princess and the Frog). After we picked them up from camp and had lunch, we rested a bit in the room (calling 2 episodes of Maya and Miguel in English sufficient practice for today), did some math practice, and then walked to Unicentro for the movie. They were very excited for "mais" (popcorn) and I think overall enjoyed the movie a lot more in Spanish!

On the walk back Wendy was in kind of an oppositional mood so she put up her hood and tromped along in relative silence, only calling me "miedosa!" when it was time to cross the street and I wanted to hold her hand. Fer walked with Chris most of the way but when we got closer to home, asked me to continue telling her the story of the Revolutionary War (I had started to tell her yesterday when she was wanting to poke Chris with her umbrella and to distract her from that I told her about Princess Di and her friend poking the nobility at Ascot, I think it was, which led to the question of whether the United States has kings and princesses, which led to a general overview of the Revolutionary War). Today I did my best description of the Boston Tea Party and the Redcoats trying to fight the Americans in the woods. She was really interested and given her excellent memory I bet she will remember the story!

We sat down to dinner as soon as we got back, and though both girls were by then in somewhat funky moods (Fer started eating with her hands and Wendy took her arm out of her shirt at one point), I think just from being really tired, we got through without conflict or any major issue. My new nickname is ZM-squared for Zen Mistress Madrina! I was in a good place today and yesterday and maybe also have gotten used to some of the little ways they try to test us . . . some battles are just not worth it. I was glad we are the only guests in the hotel, though. :)

Now we have their new Maya on for them and they will be off to bed in another 10 minutes! Tomorrow will be camp and then relax in the afternoon. We'll try to do some more schoolwork, they can play, we'll take a walk, maybe go to a park. Love to all!

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