Saturday, January 23, 2010

January 22-23, 2010

We had a really nice day yesterday -- we went with Manuela to Fitness Infantil to see the girls in their swim class and it is amazing to see how much progress they have made in 2 weeks! They can both swim the width of the pool without standing, and Fer has developed an amazing crawl stroke. We predict they will both be Whitehall Dolphins this spring!!

After the class Manuela took us to lunch at El Corral Gourmet, a really good hamburger place nearby, and then we had ice cream at Basking Robbins, always a treat! And, a taste of home for me, they had my favorite Mint Chocolate Chip. :)

Today was very relaxing. The girls woke up late and we hung around for awhile. Then, they went on a top-secret errand with Chris and returned with the most gorgeous roses and homemade cards to give me as a present!

In the afternoon it rained, so we didn't go anywhere. I was feeling a little sick, so I took a nap while the girls played with Chris, and then when I got up we all went for a walk to check service times at a new church very close by which we just located yesterday, and also to pick up a few things at the store. We had dinner, and then we went with Chris to the airport. True to the girls' personalities, Fer went jumping into his arms 3 or 4 times to say goodbye, while Wendy was backing away and waving! (We stopped her from walking into traffic). It was hard to see him go, but Mom arrives on Monday night so it's only two days on my own. Tomorrow we have a very nice plan of church in the morning and then off to lunch and a movie with Monique and her son Sebastian. Monday the girls have Fitness Infantil in the morning and English lessons with Laura in the afternoon.

Well, the girls are sound asleep and I should take advantage and go to sleep myself. Love to all --

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tan bonitas