Monday, February 8, 2010

Feb 8, 2010 Bogota -- Court Process Update

We had a good day today, pretty routine. Wendy and Fer woke up around 7:45 a.m. (they are certainly sleepers, routinely getting 10-11 hours of sleep a night!) and after some playtime, breakfast, and prep for the day, they had their English classes with Laura from 10-12. We had a little conflict with Fer -- her cell phone from the Tienda de Cafe gift bag broke and instead of doing math with me during Wendy's lesson, she was very very focused on trying to fix it. She promised she would do the math afterwards, but then when she saw the math workbook and her practice reading-in-English sheets on her way to her English lesson, she became very obstinate and was trying to avoid going to her lesson at all! After chasing her around the hotel a few times, we got her there and it seemed that she re-focused and had a fine class. But afterwards, she was unfortunately back to refusing to work on any math. I emphasized the seriousness of a promise and gave her a little more time to consider her options and then, to our relief, she decided to keep her word. We just did 3 pages or so, mainly counting in English and putting numbers in order, but at least it's something. Tomorrow, hopefully we can have a chance to talk with her about being as ready as possible to start school, and try to get a bit more done. We have a whole 2nd grade math workbook and other materials as well, and we really need to do some work each day in addition to the English classes until they begin school.

We took them to lunch at Frisby's, the local chicken place, and then after lunch went to the park with Manuel and Tomas before a swim class and a skating class at Fitness Infantil. When we came back, they played for awhile with Tomas and two other little boys who are here for a few days, and then after dinner, books, Kitty and bed!

One solution for our issues with dinner table manners -- institute a contest of who can be the most polite person at the table! Examples of polite behavior include: eating slowly and correctly, waiting to speak if others are speaking, remaining seated, and using polite words and phrases. Tonight's winner: Senorita Fer! Wendy's suggestions for prizes: a new Barbie, or failing that, new earrings. I was kind of thinking the prize would be that the winner is excused from clearing his/her plate from the table, so we have some negotiating to do. But it seems the idea is a good one and hopefully we can build on it from here.

Our lawyer called a little while after they went to sleep, and while there is progress (which is good news), we aren't there yet. The court's "defensor" has signed off on our case, and now the next step is the judge needs to issue and sign the sentencia document. Our lawyer thinks that will not happen until Thursday or Friday, which puts us at going home in the middle of next week. We were hoping for earlier since I have a plane ticket home for Saturday and Chris has one for Sunday, but it is what it is. So now we have to change one of our tickets, and, once we get sentencia, book tickets for the girls. I think, inspired by the Super Bowl, we will decide who is going to stay those last few days with an old-fashioned coin toss! Just kidding. It will probably be me. :)

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