Friday, February 19, 2010

Feb 19 2010 Bogota -- Visas/U.S. Embassy

We had a relaxing day yesterday -- I took Fer and Wendy to Divercity again and while they played I enjoyed a novel for the first time in awhile. Divercity is actually quite relaxing for adults as each room takes 10-20 minutes so while the kids are engaged in the activities, their adult companion can hang out nearby. After Divercity the girls had an English class, and then we had dinner with Adriana again. It was so lovely to see her and she is wonderful with the girls.

Today we woke up bright and early and sadly, no hot water! I couldn't face a cold shower so I did my best to clean up before we headed out at 7:30 to get the conformity letter from ICBF National, submit our visa applications at the U.S. Embassy, and then pick up the copies of the girls' files from Regional.

The conformity letter was ready, which was great, and we got to the embassy around 9:30. We then waited more than 2 hours! We could see our files though the windows, and apparently there was some question, or they just wanted to exhaustively go through them for whatever reason, because the woman at Window 3 was going over and over and over the documents. Finally she called us forward, asked us a few questions, and then told us to come back Monday at 3:30. I will say the Colombians did a better job for us in NYC -- they had the visas ready in 3 hours!

I then decided to change our flights to Monday night because I am just so ready to leave. So we stopped by the Avianca office and they were able to make the change with no problem. The girls and I are on the 11 p.m. flight on Monday night!! I know it will be a tough entry, but hopefully we will get through immigration relatively quickly and then just sleep when we get home.

When we got back from the Embassy we had hot water again, so I had a blissful shower before we all went to lunch with Monique and Andres and Sebastian at Archie's. The kids got to make their own pizzas, always a hit!

When we got back, another 15 minutes of fame -- our second TV interview, this time for a local Bogota channel. I have a sense now of what it must be like to be on a reality show, because not only did they want to interview us, they also followed us around the hotel as we staged some playtime with the kids, and then they wanted to come into our room to watch us pack!! Very strange to have a camera recording our every move as we're trying to organize Chris's suitcase and the toys and clothes he took back for me and the girls as well.

Chris left at 8:30 to catch the night flight for NYC -- he will get in tomorrow morning. Tomorrow we will go to a park in the morning with Monique and Sebastian and then to the movies in the afternoon. The girls will have an English class when we get back, and that will be our day, pretty much. Sunday is set as well with Mass, a day trip with Esperanza, Manuel and Tomas, and dinner again with Monique and Sebastian. And then Monday we pack, get our visas and leave!

Tonight Fer said to me, "Yo quiero ir!" (I want to go!) When I asked her where, she said "A los estados unidos!" (To the United States!) My feelings exactly.


Unknown said...

So excited to welcome you all home!


Anonymous said...

Cathy, Kelsey and I read your posts every day. I'm so happy this trip is coming to a close for you. Deb, Kelsey, Nicholas