Saturday, December 24, 2011

Early Arrival -- Stealth Santa Part II

The second part of Operation Stealth Santa occurred the morning of December 24. Some readers may not know this, but apparently Santa and the elves take the reindeer out for a test drive the night before Christmas Eve, to be sure everything is ready. While on the test drive, they choose a few families to deliver the presents too, and this year we were chosen!! The girls were incredibly excited to receive another letter from Santa explaining this plot twist, and also to open their stockings a day early. For us, we were very relieved to know that Christmas Eve itself would not be a night of hysterical excitement, plotting and waiting and trying to catch Santa in the act.

Wendy and Fer with the letter (text below), and opening stockings:


Dear Fer and Wendy,

Every year, on the night before Christmas Eve, the elves and I take the sleigh on a test drive to be sure the reindeer are ready. Every year, we deliver the presents early to a few special families when we do the test drive – and this year we chose YOU!!

Merry Christmas from all of us at the North Pole! We love you very much!! You are wonderful girls!!!

Much love,

P.S. I found a few yummy cookies in the kitchen and helped myself – hope you don’t mind. And I took a carrot for the reindeer – they were getting hungry! Merry Christmas!

Wendy, ever analyzing and thinking, wondered why only one carrot, why not eight since there are 8 reindeer? We posited that perhaps each family he visits contributes one carrot . . . another Santa mystery.

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