Wednesday, November 18, 2009


We've been really excited and really busy -- we heard last Thursday that we were finally approved by the ICBF Regional Committee! The one week that we are not really thinking about it because we just thought it would definitely be at least one week more, it happens! So our official referral to adopt the girls has been issued, and we should receive the translation of the referral letter within the next week. We also have more forms to fill out to get all the immigration approvals we will need. Hopefully everything will be approved in time so we can begin the adoption process when the Colombian courts re-open in January.

Amidst all this, we are also getting ready to go to Colombia for Thanksgiving week -- I will be there for a week and Chris for 4 days. We will be staying at Zuetana, an adoption hotel that I visited when I was in Bogota in October.

AND, the girls are coming for the holidays! We received permission for them to visit from early December to early January, and it may be that they can just stay on with us and we all travel back together to begin the adoption process. We should find out in the next week or so if that will be possible.

So, it's all happening! We are very excited, a bit nervous too, and have lots of hopes and plans for the time ahead.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You have a lot to do and a lot to look forward to over the next few months.

Andy said...

Congratulations and happy Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

Super exciting!! We are very happy for you guys :) xoxo Liz, Mike, and Leah