Monday, November 23, 2009

Bogota Visit #2 -- November 23

First day with the girls! I woke up early and changed rooms at the hotel to a much nicer rooom -- bigger, with a huge window and a queen bed and a smaller bed for the girls to share. I also unpacked some of the toys and activities and workbooks that I brought with me -- some of which are new and some of which are familiar from the summer and October.

After breakfast, I got to San Mauricio around 9:45 and went to find the girls in their classrooms -- it was so exciting to see them both again!! Apparently school is officially over, but there is some sort of make-up week going on. This is great because we will be able to meet with their teachers to get a sense of their academic level when Chris comes on Wednesday and we go back to visit the fundacion. We had to wait awhile after I found them because the person who was going to pack up their things and get them ready was in a meeting, but the wait turned out OK because I got to spend some time with their psychologist Natalia and hear how they have been doing since my visit in October. Overall she says things have been going very well and they are very happy about the adoption, but it is also hard for them to face the separation from their siblings, which is totally understandable.

We got back to the hotel around 12:30 and had some time to unpack and explore the new goodies in the room before heading out for lunch to the local chicken place. After lunch we relaxed at the hotel -- we played some cards, the girls colored and did some workbook pages and played in the hotel's quite well-stocked playroom, and we went to a local park for some outside time before dinner. At dinner they had a great time interacting with Mateo, the little boy being adopted by the German couple at the hotel.

After dinner we came upstairs for showers and getting ready for bed, and then they spent a little more time downstairs in the playroom and playing with Mateo before coming back to relax with Kitty. They were both asleep by 8:15, yay!!

Overall it was a really good day -- they seeemed really happy to see me and comfortable coming back to the hotel and being with me here. Tomorrow we are going swimming in the morning and then in the afternoon we will go to a local science museum which has a planetarium and a special show for kids. Should be fun! I'll try to post again tomorrow night.

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