Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Power of Prayer :)

Well, that's one explanation, anyway. After sending an email out to family and friends updating them about our plans, and asking for prayers for a smooth and swift process (as well as requesting those same prayers in my last post here) we learned yesterday that our dossier has been approved by ICBF National! This is huge. They processed it in a week!! We were expecting closer to a 6 week wait for this first part of the process.

The next step now is the ICBF Regional office reviewing our dossier and the girls' paperwork, and issuing the official referral. While we don't want to get our hopes up too much, our agency's representative thinks this could happen by the end of September, which would put us on the right track time-wise to travel in November! So please keep the prayers coming -- they're clearly working!

And if we do end up travelling in November, we realized last night that we have about 6 weeks to prepare ourselves. Some of the needs that occurred to us this morning (in no particular order) are: winter clothes, a school, a pediatrician and assorted other helping professionals . . . we have lots to think about, research and organize! But it's a wonderful "problem" to have. If the girls could be home by Christmas it would be the best present ever.


Anonymous said...

A friend of mine recently went to China and brought home a baby girl, a toddler. My friend was celebrating a birthday the week that she flew to China to pick up her daughter. My friend's new daughter was the best birthday present she ever received. I will think good thoughts that you and Chris receive the best Christmas present ever.

Anonymous said...

Hi! We just adopted an 11 year old girl who is from San Mauricio as well. We have lots of pictures from the orphanage on our blog.

Good luck with everything! If you have any questions or if we can be of any help, please e-mail!

JEC said...

I'm very happy to hear the good news!
