Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy Birthday to Fer!

We were able to call the orphanage this evening and speak to both girls and wish Fernanda a happy birthday! They are both very shy on the phone and pretty much stick to one-word answers. However, it was wonderful to hear their voices again after almost four weeks and to be able to assure them that we now can be in touch with them frequently.

We were also very lucky that their psychologist came to the phone to speak with us after we talked to them. She was very gracious in expressing gratitude that we called, in taking time to advise us about best times to call in the future (apparently calling in the early evening is not optimal because the buses stop running and certain staff need to be on their way home), and, best of all, in giving us her personal email address so we can send emails to the girls. She also told us that she would be giving Fer a cake and a present to help celebrate her birthday.

Happy 10th birthday Fer! We miss you!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's great! I'm sure the call meant so much to the girls...perhaps more than they even realize today, but will come to understand years later. :-)

Kev J.