Saturday, September 5, 2009

Email Received, Package Sent, Dossier Translated!

We received our first email from the girls today -- their psychologist Camila read our email with them and they wrote us back together. They wrote that they are doing well in school and that they miss us and hope we can talk soon. We miss them too! We're hoping to call them again tomorrow.

We also drove to Jackson Heights in Queens which has a large Colombian population to look for a travel agency that sends packages to Colombia. We found one, and sent our first package to them with books and some other little treats we thought they would enjoy. We also found a birthday card that plays music when you open it for Fer, and a card for Wendy with a cute picture of dogs on the front. She loves dogs and one of her favorite activities was to "consentir a Feliz" (pet our dog Happy). Both girls actually told us when they were here that when they grow up they would like to be veterinary nurses or doctors so that they could "consentir" the animals.

Finally, great news about our dossier! We heard from our agency on Friday that it has been translated and registered! This is big news because this step can take awhile but our agency's representative in Bogota is clearly on her game and working hard to have our paperwork ready to submit in a little over two weeks since she received it. We were very pleased to hear this, as you can imagine! The next step is to confirm with ICBF that our Letter of Intent is approved and that we can officially submit our dossier. Hopefully we will be able to do this early in the coming week.

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