Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Elder and the Deacon

In other news, Chris and I have been elected to serve in different leadership capacities at our church, First and Trinity Presbyterian in South Orange. I had been asked to be a part of the Session, the governing body of the church, and agreed to put my name forward for the election. When the lists were distributed, it was clear that not only was there no competition, but that there was actually room for more candidates on the list of both Elders (Session members) and Deacons (the group that provides pastoral care within the congregation). By the time this part of the rawther long annual congregational meeting had arrived, Chris had left to take Wendy to an appointment and to go with Fer to an open house at the local Catholic school. So, after a fast and furious exchange of text messages, I got clearance to nominate him from the floor and did so. So, we are now Elder Weeks and Deacon Weeks, but given my recent obsession with historical fiction (specifically about medieval English times) I think I still prefer to be addressed as "my lady mother" or "my lady wife," depending on who is doing the addressing. Sadly no takers yet as Fer and Wendy somehow still insist on calling me "Mami" and Chris seems committed to "sweetie", but a girl can hope.

1 comment:

Kate said...

The PCUSA is lucky to have you two! I'm sure you could arrange to be called "my lady elder" in exchange for chairing a committee or two :).