Sunday, January 6, 2013

Scripture for the Season

In honor of the last day of Christmas (January 6, Three Kings Day), I thought I would post the verses that have been running through my head since early December because this year, particularly, they have felt so true. And thanks to my parents' dedication to classical music and especially Handel's Messiah, the words have been running through my head in song:

Comfort ye, comfort ye, my people, saith your God. Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem and cry unto her that her warfare is accomplished. Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill made low, the crooked straight and the rough places plain. And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed . . .

We have been through some hard valleys and some very rough places in the last 3 years, and we are still climbing the mountain together, but we rejoice that at least some of our valleys are now exalted and some of our rough places are now made plain. Though there is much more to come in our journey together, we had such a wonderful Advent and Christmas season that we can only give thanks.

1 comment:

MAWTS said...

Hey Cathy!
I stumbled across your profile on FB and thought I'd say hello. I have lost Betsey Chisolm - are you still in touch with her?
Best regards,