Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fer's One Direction Song!

So Fer has apparently taken on the Lanckton song-writing tendency, the one where you take a familiar song and write new lyrics for it. We have a family tradition of writing medleys for important occasions, and some of my favorite memories are singing with my sisters, mom, and aunts at birthday celebrations, weddings and anniversary parties.

On Monday night Fer started writing her own version of One Direction's "You Don't Know You're Beautiful." First line: "You think you're weird . . " I asked her who the song was about, and she said it was about her. We started working on it together, and I helped her (I think) come up with a version that truly reflects some of the wonder that is Fer. Then she re-wrote a lot of it and made the whole thing much better. So proud of her! Here 'tis:


You think you’re weird
Don’t know what for
You’re acting fine when you walk through the door
Don’t need coolness to be the best
Cause everyone else think you’re perfect
Everyone else in the room agrees
Everyone else but you

Baby I like you because you are talented
You are so fun and so smart and you’re just my type
You are so pretty and good so come on and play

If only you saw what I could see
You’d change your mind like a fly that was never slapped
Right now I’m looking at you and I can’t believe
You think you’re weird cause you act so randomly
But still I like you because you are just my type
I just think you’re beautiful

So co-come on, you’re not that weird
Just cause you act so randomly doesn’t mean that you’re weird
You’re shaking heads when I tell you you’re beautiful
Everyone else in the room agrees
Everyone else but you

Baby I like you because you are talented
You are so fun and so smart and you’re just my type
So please don’t think that about you cause you’re just great
I think you should change your mind very soon because . . .
I just think you’re beautiful!

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