Sunday, June 24, 2012

Dance Recital - Carnival 2012

Fer and Wendy were amazing (if proud parents may brag for a moment) in their dance recital at Kean University. No pictures were allowed during the routines, but I did get 2 from the finale of the second performance. We were so proud of both of them! They have learned so much and they looked wonderful up on stage, confident and happy. We so appreciated having Gigi and Grand-dad and the Cannings join us for the first performance, and the girls loved going for Colombian food in nearby Elizabeth with the Cannings in between shows. It was a great end to the first year of dance school.

First, we had to get the girls' hair into buns! Here they are with the fabulous Ms. Shakeira from Salon Femi in Montclair:

Before the performance, in the lobby and backstage with friends:

Contraband pics taken during the finale!

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