Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Maybe It's Getting Better?

Thankfully we had a good weekend, complete with dance class, another win for the girls' soccer team The Waves (6-0 this time), a sleepover Saturday night, and church on Sunday. Sunday afternoon the girls went around visiting on the block and enjoyed catching up with their friends.

And, for the last two nights they have slept straight through the night! Monday night in our bed (Chris and I ceded it to them and slept in the guest room in hopes of a better night's sleep, which we got) and then last night, o miracle, in their own! If I hadn't awakened at 4:45 a.m. worrying about a home invasion (I really should not read the newspaper -- there was an article yesterday about testimony by the father in that devastating case in Connecticut with the triple rape/murder of the mom and 2 daughters) I would have been golden. As it was, not having to get out of bed to try to settle little one back down was still a plus, and I did go back to sleep until 6:15.

We are still figuring out a viable routine with balancing homework and soccer and other commitments -- I remember this phase from last September which was pretty stressful as well. But each week I think we are learning about what works and what doesn't, and the girls are getting more used to their new school and the new expectations and culture there, and I am adjusting to life as a SAHM, as they say, with only a little bit of work "outside the home" (I'm doing some curriculum consulting for an awesome reading comprehension website - more on that in another post), and Chris is figuring out his commute, and we are joining a new church and spending time with old and new friends, and so on . . . it will just take time for us all to fully acclimate to this new life of ours. Here's to continued progress as we keep on keeping on.

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