Friday, October 7, 2011

Oh well

So I guess the angel choirs may have sung a tad too loudly, as Wendy woke up at 4 a.m., refused to come with me to the guest room to go back to sleep, and stayed awake for another hour wanting snacks and drinks and asking me random questions, none of which I can now remember as I was soooo foggy and exhausted. She didn't want me to lie down with her, so I was sitting next to her bed just so tired. I did get back to sleep for almost 2 more hours, but it's not a fun way to spend time in the middle of the night!!

Despite the interrupted sleep, the girls were off to school again happily this morning, and spent some nice quiet time drawing at the dining room table while they ate breakfast. Fer loves to draw and spends some time most mornings working on intricate coloring projects that she designs herself, and Wendy is enthusiastic on and off. She is presntly in an "on" phase as she is working with a friend from school on a project of designing fairy houses. I was pulled into the action to draw a swimming pool, a railroad dining car, a flower, a cupcake, a boot, and an apartment building for her to then decorate with her friend at Aftercare today. I am so thankful that the mornings have continued better.

And tonight the girls will be going on their second "date night" with Papi. With Chris's changed commuting schedule, he is not around for as much of the evening, so we are trying to find other ways for him to spend quality time with the girls. Last week they went to McDonald's, and while they assure me that tonight they are heading to Subway for some healthy food, I suspect McNuggets are on the menu again!

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