Friday, July 30, 2010

Family DEAR Time!

Thank you Parkside for a wonderful new development in our family - Family DEAR Time! Fer's class (and maybe Wendy's too, but she hasn't talked about it) has DEAR time during their Reading block. DEAR (for those among you who haven't been in elementary schools lately) stands for Drop Everything And Read. Many schools have a time during the day in which everyone, even the teachers and administrators, stop and take some time to silently read a book of their choice. Fer has referred to it a few times and when I mentioned that I thought we could do it at home, she really liked the idea.

So, we've started doing Family DEAR Time! You can imagine how much I love it. We all gather in the living room, everyone with their book (or books, in Wendy's case - she usually looks at 5 or 6 during the time), and just read. We've only done it 3 nights so far, and the time has varied from 15 minutes to 30, but it already seems like it could be a great ritual to end the day.

No pics today, sorry! But the girls went through their toys this week and we have 3 shopping bags to try to sell at the Tivoli Day tag sales this weekend, so I should be able to post a few shots of our young entrepeneurs trying to earn some cash to go shopping at the other sales. Clutter out, clutter in . . . oh well. Hopefully we'll come out ahead overall.

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