The ear piercing was quite a scene -- she really wanted the earrings but was also really scared (the piercing tool does look like a gun) so it took about 15 minutes with her approaching, backing away, covering her ears, ducking, etc. etc. Finally one of the nice ladies in the store went and borrowed a second tool and on the last try, two of them grabbed her ears, click, and it was done! She got very cute tiny blue earrings, and was so proud and excited! We bought little matching red ones for Wendy. The movie: Astroboy. Kind of ridiculous but she enjoyed it. I called Chris twice from the mall to get updates and Wendy apparently was up and down between crying and being calm.
When we got back, Wendy was in pretty good shape and Papi said while it had been tough at times she eventually recovered, so we were able to move on with the afternoon. She got her earrings, we went for a short walk to a nearby playground, and then Laura came at 4:30 for an English lesson. After the lesson the girls were very excited for the "empacar" (packing) game, so once more we loaded them into the suitcass, trundled them around the hotel while narrating going to the airport, checking bags, flying home, arriving at "el edificio blanco" (our apt. building), unpacking, and voila! daughters in the suitcases! I'm not sure if it's the practice of travel or just the feeling of rolling around that they enjoy, but they certainly do enjoy it!
After dinner, the girls played for a few minutes with Tomas and his parents, and then we headed back to the room. Wendy was playing with Chris and twisting around in his arms and accidentally bumped her head. When he put her down, she hit him AGAIN! We both got very upset with her, and she was very upset too, claiming her head hurt, but I think more that we were angry. Both girls stayed in the bathroom for a little while, and when they emerged, she was calm again. I read them a story and before we put on Kitty, of her own accord, she apologized to Chris, which we thought was really good. We also talked once more about the rules of no hitting, kicking, pushing but use our words! And that if something is an accident we can apologize and make up for it. Finally, that tomorrow is a new day and we can start again. They went to sleep pretty quickly as did we -- all of us a bit worn out!
Today we are going to go to the Children's mass at Cristo Rey with Tomas and his parents, and then to Usaquen for lunch and shopping. There is apparently a really cool restaurant with a kids area where they do crafts and play. Also, there is a market and we were hoping to get some souvenirs.
Time for breakfast now but pics to come . . .
UPDATE: Pics of me and Fer at the jewelry shop, and also Wendy's artistic creation of another doll to match the one she made of me. The new one is apparently Chris. :)

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