Today went very well, thank God. The girls slept til 7:30 then got up and played with their Barbies until Tomas and his parents emerged, at which point they declared themselves ready for breakfast, mainly so they could watch Tomas eat, I think. After breakfast they got ready and played with Tomas until it was time for their English lesson with Laura. Today Fer went first, so Wendy and I practiced some math and played a bit, and then walked down to Pomona to buy a frozen pizza for lunch. While Wendy had her lesson, I tried to do some math with Fer -- not a huge success. She is pretty insistent on her incorrect way of doing things, and I don't think she is yet understanding the concepts of ones and tens when she adds. So she just counts on her fingers and adds left to right instead of right to left, with no carrying involved! (For example 27 + 8 = 2 15 with the 2 written first) Mom and I did some work with her last week, and I tried to do some more today, but she is really resistant to change and really sensitive to being wrong . . . a hard combination. Poor sweetie, I am worried about her in school! There are going to be lots of things she will find very hard to do when we get back. Wendy on the other hand, has no problem being wrong or making mistakes, just shrugs and says, "Que importa?" (what does it matter?) and keeps right on going. Oh well!!
After lunch we went to another park with Tomas and his parents -- bigger playground than the ones we've been to with swings, slides, climbing equipment, a turnaround, and see-saws. Though the kids are pretty camera-resistant these days, they were willing to take some pictures with Tomas. And I did get some action shots!

Off now to pick them up from swimming and gymnastics. Here's to a good evening and long night's sleep, and Papi's arrival in the morning!!
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