Much of the rest of the day was fine -- before Laura arrived to teach them Fer had the chance to go with Esperanza and Manuel to the store while Wendy stayed with me. After her somewhat explosive behavior she was fine, connected and happy. She spent the time playing with clay and making a little statue of me. Again, I don't know what that means . . . sometimes I wish I had studied play therapy to be able to make more sense out of some of these playtimes!
Then the girls had their English classes -- Wendy went very willingly and I think did good work, and then Fer had her time. We even had some exchanges at lunch in English! Fer was saying it was too hot in the playroom to eat, and I asked in English why they chose to set the table in there, and she answered "I don't know." We were chanting the KIPP theme song this morning (minus the verse about becoming a thief if you don't read enough) and throughout the day I heard Wendy every so often, "Is KIPP in the house? Is KIPP in the house?"
They went to Fitness Infantil in the afternoon for a swim class and a skating class. I got there 15 minutes before skating ended and I was so impressed and excited for them -- they can really skate!! It will be so much fun for them in Riverdale and Tivoli to be able to skate around. It made me want to get some rollerblades and learn!

When we got back we had dinner and they spent a little time with Tomas, then we came back to the room for some books, Kitty and difficulties getting Wendy to bed. Ah well, tomorrow is another day.
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