Here are some pics:

When we got back, we had some much-needed tea & hot chocolate, and then the girls played for awhile and Mom and I hung out. Fer and I worked out a subsitute arrangement for Divercity in that she is going to give up a day of computer use instead, so that's taken care of (for those of you closely following my parenting travails). I was really touched that when I asked her to write what had happened and then to write what are the rules of the family, she wrote "Palabras amables. Paz. Amor." (Kind words. Peace. Love.) I guess some of our conversations have made an impression!
We had a late-ish dinner and then the girls played with Tomas some and also hung out a bit with a nice Dutch couple who are staying here as they are attending some sort of charismatic Christian convention. After we called Papi (still working on the switch!) I read them two books, then Kitty, then bed! It's getting late so I will turn in as well.
Still following along -- love all the details and the pics :)
Thanks Liz!! hope you all are well and can't wait to see you when we get back. :)
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