The girls enjoy traveling in what they call "ropa comoda" - comfortable clothes. So no, these are not their pajamas! They are wearing yoga pants with matching tops, one of their favorite outfits. We had a little time before dinner to relax in the hotel:
Alice and Van hosted a lovely dinner for the family. We had a great time and the girls really loved connecting with more of the extended family.
Chris and Larry had the chance to catch up:

Aunt Alice has an amazing dollhouse. The girls loved playing with the furniture and with the new family of dolls she so thoughtfully bought for them.

Then, Wendy started taking pictures!! This of Tia Barbara with Aaron and baby Caleb in the background:

I did manage to snap one of Wendy eating hummus and one of Gigi and Grandad with the grandkids, but the rest are all her artistic vision!

Tio Matt, Jack and Tia Barbara:

Two of the three Alisons:

Tio Van and cousin Sam:

The three sisters:

Tia Alice!

Fer with the third Alison:

We loved seeing everyone! Thanks so much to Aunt Alice and Uncle Van for hosting!!
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