Us waiting at the Usaquen train station and the train arriving:

On the train they had live musicians coming through the cars every little while -- 3 different groups! The girls enjoyed playing with their Barbies when they weren't listening to the music.

First stop was Zipaquira -- we had an hour to walk around before the train was due to head south again. We walked to the main plaza, where there was a beautiful church, and had a snack before going back to the train station.

The next stop was Cajica, where we had 2 hours to find a place for lunch and walk around. We ate at a lovely Italian restaurant which had a very pretty outdoor garden. Comedic high point of the meal: me falling in slow motion off my chair! I think one leg was in a hole or off balance or something (really, it wasn't the wine -- I had only had 2 sips at that point!) so when I leaned to my right, sloooowly over I went! It didn't hurt, just a little embarrassing, and it gave us all a good laugh.
This is the church in Cajica.

And one last picture before we boarded the train to come back!

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