We spent the day pretty busy between Saturday School at KIPP, hair day for Wendy, a birthday party in the afternoon, and then picking up Wendy's new glasses, but we did randomly take time throughout to share memories of their arrival in the States and things we did last December, as well as to occasionally burst into singing, "Happy Famiversary to Us!" (to the tune of Happy Birthday to You, of course.) Fer recently had to do a family shield for a school project and had written that our favorite family food is pasta carbonara. (Apparently our favorite family activities are cleaning, reading, and going to church!) So we had that for dinner and then went out to Baskin Robbins, where we toasted with our ice cream cones.
Both girls at different times during the day expressed that they "chose" us for their parents. Fer and I were waiting for Chris and Wendy to come pick us up after Wendy's hair appointment, and she started talking about how when she was hosted in Vermont the summer before she visited us, she was given hot chocolate every morning for breakfast which she loved. But, apparently the school uniforms there were not to her liking so, she said proudly, "I chose you to be my family!" Then at dinner Wendy told us about a family from France that had also wanted to adopt her (we have no idea whether this is true or her fantasy) but, "I chose you because I love . . . DOGS!" And there you have it.
We only got one picture today, at Costco after getting Wendy's glasses:

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